Allergic Disorders In ENT

Allergy Treatment Specialist in Pune

The general misconception in peoples mind is that allergy does not get treated well. According to Allergy Specialist in Pune- Dr. Seemab Shaikh, Millions of people suffer from allergies each year. An allergy is an unnatural immune response to specific things in the environment, which are usually harmless to most people. These things are called allergens. Allergens are described as any substance that triggers an allergic response. When allergies affect the ears, nose, and throat, the signs are referred to as otolaryngic allergies. To treat this you need to meet an Allergy Specialist in Pune and India.


Allergy Treatment Specialist

Dr. Seemab Shaikh has a keen interest treatment of nasal allergies, BOTH IN CHILDREN AND ADULTS.
He has travelled far and wide, and taken inputs from the European Allergy associations and has treated innumerable patients of allergy successfully.

He is a part of various associations in India related to allergy. Dr. Seemab Shaikh is constantly updated with the latest developments in Allergy treatment all around the globe. He is a part of the team that formulates guidelines for Allergy treatments in India. Dr. Seemab Shaikh is said to be an Allergy Specialist in Pune.

Symptoms of ENT Allergy that should make a person approach towards his clinic are:

  • Repeated sneezing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itching sensation in the ENT
  • Runny nose
  • Crease across the bridge of the nose
  • Frequent throat clearing Diminished/lost sense of smell/taste
  • Frequent ear infections and sinus infections
  • Recurrent, unexplained nosebleeds
  • Cold-like symptoms more than 10 days
  • Symptoms recur same time each year
  • Mouth breathing
  • Constantly feeling fatigued

Causes of ENT Allergies that makes you understand the reason behind it are:

Allergy Specialist in Pune | Otolaryngic Allergies | Dr. Seemab Shaikh

When an allergic person is exposed to an allergen, her or his body generates immunizers and releases a variety of chemicals, including histamine. Histamine is the main precipitating cause of the allergic response. While the underlying reasons for allergies are undiscovered, they are still known to be hereditary.

Prevalent allergens responsible for ENT allergies are present in the air and may involve dust, mold, animal dander and pollen. Allergies related to plant pollens and mold can be occasional, occurring only when specific plants or trees are in bloom, or when mold is created by rotting leaves. Such allergies are also induced by weather circumstances, particularly humidity and wind, and are commonly referred to as hay fever.

Allergy Treatment to determine the sources of allergies:

  • An Otolaryngic Allergist is an ENT surgeon and specialist and can diagnose and treat disorders caused by allergic conditions.
  • They are a number of medications useful in the treatment of allergies including antihistamines, decongestants, and steroids.
  • Your ENT surgeon will take your detail history and do a thorough examination and accordingly advise tests to determine which specific substances you are allergic too and the degree of your sensitivity towards them.
Allergy Specialist in Pune | Otolaryngic Allergies | Dr. Seemab Shaikh

Dr. Seemab Shaikh is an well known ENT Surgeon in Pune to get best results for any ENT or allergy treatment.