Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Pune

Rhinoplasty Surgeon in Pune

Correction Of Shape Of Nose.

Rhinoplasty: Correction of the shape of the nose

Rhinoplasty is a very popular and highly skilled procedure for nasal plastic surgery needed by people having problems with the shape of their noses. If you have a bulky nose, a crooked nose, a broad nose, a depressed nose, a large hump, or a deviated tip that leads to a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem or causes a functional problem in breathing, here is your solution to it for good. Our center regularly carries out rhinoplasty to get rid of such problems. All the latest techniques of this surgery are practiced by Dr. Seemab under the banner of the rhinoplasty clinic. He is the best rhinoplasty surgeon in Pune.  Patients can be assured of the best results of correction possible depending upon the case.

All About Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is a facial cosmetic procedure, usually performed to enhance the appearance of the nose. During rhinoplasty, the nasal cartilages and bones are modified, or tissue is added. The aim is to improve the visual appeal of the nose.

Anyone who is dissatisfied with the appearance of his/her nose and has realistic expectations for an improvement can have a rhinoplasty procedure. However, this is surgery and should be approached as seriously as any other surgery. Patients who pursue surgery to make themselves feel better or more confident are the best candidates for rhinoplasty.

“Rhino” is Greek for a nose. ” Plasty” means to mold or shape. Plastic surgery means surgery to mold or shape the body, not to insert plastic material.

There are two ways of performing rhinoplasty: Endonasally ( all the incisions are inside the nose) and Externally. The majority of the incisions are inside the nose, but they are connected by a small incision across the base of your nose. If an external rhinoplasty is performed, you will have a small scar underneath your nose. This scar, however, heals very well and is virtually invisible within months.

The ideal age to have a rhinoplasty is after the patient’s nose has completed growing. This occurs after the age of 16 years. Another good indicator of nasal growth is the patients’ height compared to their parents. If the patients is as tall as the their tallest parent, then they are probably finished growing and so has their nose. The problem with operating on patient’s earlier than their ideal age is that the nose will continue to grow, in an unpredictable fashion.

While there is little difference in the procedure, there is a difference in the desired end result. Male noses tend to be larger, less defined and more straight on profile. They can even have a slight bump preserved on the nasal bridge which adds character, much like a cleft in the chin. Female noses tend to be smaller, more defined and can tolerate more of a scooped profile.

That depends on your surgeon preference, your preference and what other procedures you may be having at the time of your rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty can often be performed with topical and local anesthesia with a little sedation. It can also be done with General Anesthesia for those who want to be completely asleep for the operation. Anesthesia, all types, is much safer today than what it was previously.

Surprisingly no. Rhinoplasty surgery is relatively painless BUT you will feel congested after the surgery as if you had a cold.

Yes. But you may be pleasantly surprised that you are NOT as swollen or bruised as you expected to be. Furthermore, the swelling and bruising typically resolves very quickly after the surgery so that by one week after the surgery, over 70% of the swelling has gone away.

The operation can be as short as 45 minutes for a relatively straight forward operation to over 3 hours for a complicated revision rhinoplasty.

Nasal packing is small bandage inside the nostril to stop or prevent bleeding. 50% of patients have the packs removed before they leave the hospital and the other 50% remove the packs the following morning.

Nasal Bleeding, Infection, nasal obstruction, undesired result are some of the complications of this procedure.Speak to your rhinoplasty surgeon specifically about these complications.