Tag - vertigo specialist in pune

best vertigo treatment in pune

How is Vertigo treated?

Do you ever feel a dizzy sensation in your head and feel like you will fall? There are chances that you might be suffering from a condition called Vertigo. Although Vertigo goes away without treatment at times, it might be necessary to seek help from a professional in some cases. The doctor treats you with the help of different medications, therapies, and even surgery (if necessary) to cure this condition. The following are some ways in which Vertigo is treated: Vestibular [...]

Dizzines treatment doctor in pune

Dizziness: Approach to evaluation and management

If a patient experiences dizziness, the examiner will initially determine the symptoms. Through pathophysiology, they will observe the sensation of the patients. Careful examination and close questioning can reveal major differences. For instance, some may have migraine and multiple sclerosis while others can suffer from vertigo. Evaluation of Dizziness: When a doctor thinks that you may be having a stroke or feeling dizzy due to a blow to your head, they may immediately ask for a CT scan or MRI. Most [...]

What are the causes and risk factors of Vertigo?

Vertigo occurs due to an underlying medical problem. Many conditions are related to vertigo. In general, vertigo is a cause of problems in the nervous system or brain, called central vertigo. Problems that arise in the inner ear are called peripheral vertigo. Finding the exact cause will enable you to get the right kind of treatment. Causes of Vertigo: Labyrinthitis: When any infection leads to inflammation of the inner ear or labyrinth it can cause labyrinthitis. This area has a vestibulocochlear nerve. [...]