Author - Dr. Seemab Shaikh

hearing loss treatment in pune

Falls and Accidents are More Likely with Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is a quite common condition that many adults experience as they grow older and move into their seventies and sixties. Several people pay close attention to not only hearing loss but also the problems that come along with it. For instance, people who have hearing loss are more likely to fall and have accidents. Mild hearing loss and how it affects:- A hearing loss of 25 decibels is equivalent to a normal to mild loss of hearing. By the [...]

voice disorders treatment in pune

Voice Disorders – Symptoms and Causes

Do you have voice disorders? If so, there are a few things you should know about the different types of voice disorders and their symptoms. Here are some tips to help with voice problems. What causes voice disorders? Here are some common causes of voice disorders: Injury: A blow to the neck or throat, or surgery on the vocal cords, can cause long-term problems with the voice. Vocal abuse: Screaming, shouting, and overusing the voice, in general, can cause hoarseness and strain. Many people constantly [...]

neck surgery treatment in Pune

Neck Surgery: Types, Risks, Recovery, and When Needed

Neck surgery is done to relieve pressure on the nerves in the neck. The neck contains several important nerves, and if they suffer damage, serious consequences like paralysis or loss of sensation can occur.  Here, we’ll cover all of the information you need to know about neck surgery, from the different types to risks and recovery time. So, continue reading to learn more. What Are the Conditions That May Necessitate Neck Surgery? Neck spurs Bone spurs can develop in your neck due [...]

Asthma and Allergies treatment in pune

How to Deal With Asthma and Fall Allergies

Have you ever wondered how to deal with asthma and fall allergies? Asthma is a lung disorder in which the airways become inflamed and narrowed. But knowing how to deal with them is important in improving our health. Five Tips for Managing Asthma When Fall Allergies Strike: Keep your immunizations up-to-date The flu shot is especially important for those with asthma because it helps fight against respiratory infections that can trigger asthma attacks or make symptoms worse. Use your medication If you’re on an [...]

Tinnitus treatment in pune

Tinnitus: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

Tinnitus refers to a feeling of ringing or hearing noises in your ears. The noise that you can hear when you are suffering from tinnitus is not due to any kind of external sound. Normally, other people are not able to hear it. It mostly affects fifteen to twenty-five percent of the population, mostly adults who are older. This disease has associations with age-related loss of hearing. It can also be due to problems in your circulatory system or an [...]

Hearing aids center in pune

5 Best Hearing Aids for Tinnitus & How They Can Help

Have you ever heard the ringing in your ears? It’s a common phenomenon that many people face. It’s often called tinnitus, and it is rather common among individuals of all ages. This article will look at 5 of the best hearing aids for tinnitus with their help. Top Five Options for Hearing Aids:- PhonakAudéo B-Direct This behind-the-ear device has a smart streaming system. It will automatically adjust its output level based on the background noise, making it easier to hear in [...]

Dizzines treatment doctor in pune

Dizziness: Approach to evaluation and management

If a patient experiences dizziness, the examiner will initially determine the symptoms. Through pathophysiology, they will observe the sensation of the patients. Careful examination and close questioning can reveal major differences. For instance, some may have migraine and multiple sclerosis while others can suffer from vertigo. Evaluation of Dizziness: When a doctor thinks that you may be having a stroke or feeling dizzy due to a blow to your head, they may immediately ask for a CT scan or MRI. Most [...]


Types of Hearing aids: Benefits, Options, How to Choose

Loss of hearing can impact one’s life drastically. Hearing aids can help in this regard and give a better quality of life. It is an electronic battery-powered device. Hearing aids can be small to wear behind the ear and they will make sounds clearer and louder. When it’s noisy or quiet, they will enable you to hear better. They work in the following ways. A microphone will pick up a nearby sound. A microphone will make the sound loud. A receiver will send [...]

Throat specialist doctor in pune

Throat Infection- Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Throat infection is also referred to as pharyngitis. It can be viral or bacterial resulting in tissue inflammation of your throat. This causes swelling, pain, and redness on the wall structures of your throat. Symptoms of Throat Infection: Throat infection includes symptoms like a sensation of heat and pain in your pharynx or throat. The infection can affect structures within your throat like tonsils. This is called tonsillitis. Some symptoms can be severe or mild. This consists of body aches, flu, congestion, [...]


Head and Neck Cancer- Symptoms, Types & Treatment

Head and Neck Cancer refers to different kinds of cancer. Some of them consist of alcohol and tobacco use. If you find it early, it will be treatable easily. We have listed the following types, symptoms, and treatments for head and neck cancer. Symptoms of Head and Neck Cancer: These are the following symptoms of head and neck cancer: Tongue or mouth sore that refuses to heal. Hoarseness Sore throat Headaches Pain in your upper teeth. Difficulty swallowing. Chronic neck pain. Red and white patch on tongue or mouth. Trouble [...]