Author - Dr. Seemab Shaikh

snoring treatment in pune

What is the most common reason for snoring?

We often snore occasionally. This is because almost fifty seven percent of adult men and forty percent of adult women experience habitual snoring. However, this can be due to a sleep disorder known as sleep apnea. There can be several common reasons for snoring, let us look at them below. Most common reasons for snoring: Consumption of Alcohol: In case you consume volumes of alcohol before going to bed, it can result in snoring. Alcohol lowers the natural defenses against any air [...]

Allergic Rhinitis Treatment in Pune

Allergic Rhinitis: Complications and Treatment

The other name for allergic rhinitis is hay fever. Its common symptoms include runny nose, sneezing, itchy skin, throat, mouth, nose, and eyes. It may also consist of difficulty to smell. The best treatment for the disease is to avoid allergens that can trigger a reaction. Some allergens include mold, plants, pollen, animal dander, and dust. It is however impossible to resist all of these allergens. Therefore, you may require additional medical treatment to relieve and treat allergic rhinitis. In [...]

What are the causes and risk factors of Vertigo?

Vertigo occurs due to an underlying medical problem. Many conditions are related to vertigo. In general, vertigo is a cause of problems in the nervous system or brain, called central vertigo. Problems that arise in the inner ear are called peripheral vertigo. Finding the exact cause will enable you to get the right kind of treatment. Causes of Vertigo: Labyrinthitis: When any infection leads to inflammation of the inner ear or labyrinth it can cause labyrinthitis. This area has a vestibulocochlear nerve. [...]

Hearing Loss: A Common Problem for Older Adults

As you grow old, you will experience changes in the functioning of your body. Among them, hearing loss is one of the changes. It can affect most adults who are above sixty-five years old. Hearing loss that is related to your age is called presbycusis. Even though it is not a condition that is life-threatening but it can have a severe impact on your life. That is why seeking treatment is important. How can hearing loss occur in older adults? Perforation of [...]

The potential adverse Side Effects of Snoring

The potential adverse Side Effects of Snoring

Suffering from snoring is not uncommon in individuals. Both men and women can suffer from this problem, and many times it creates embarrassing situations in them. Snoring is a problem that mainly develops due to the structural problem of a person’s nose, mouth, tongue, and throat. While nasal and other structures of the mouth start vibrating, people suffer from snoring.  More or less, everyone snores during their sleep, but many are there who suffer from chronic snoring. Sometimes people snore [...]

Sinus Infection Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment- A Patient Guide

Sinus Infection Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment- A Patient Guide

Sinus is a swelling or inflammation of the tissue that lines the sinuses. They are hollow spaces that are present within your bones between the eyes, behind the cheekbones, and in the forehead. A sinus is responsible for making mucus that keeps the nose moist. It also helps protects against pollutants, dust, and allergens. Causes of Sinus Infection: Common cold Polyps or growths A weak immune system that can happen due to medication or illness Seasonal and nasal allergies that start to mold Deviated septum. [...]

Changing Your Diet Help Sleep Apnea

Can Changing Your Diet Help Sleep Apnea?

Snoring and sleep apnea have become quite common in recent days. Many around the world suffer from sleep apnea that causes a severe breathing problem while you sleep at night. Sleeping disorder at night due to heavy snoring can cause disturbance in the proper breathing cycle.  Types of sleep apnea People can suffer from different types of sleep apnea. So, scroll down and get details about the types of sleep apnea.  CSA or Central Sleep Apnea. However, the occurrence of this type [...]

Role of ENT Surgeon | Dr. Seemab Shaikh

Role of ENT Surgeon

Dr. Seemab Shaikh- Best ENT Specialist in  Pune  Your browser does not support the audio element. Who are ENT Specialists? And what is their role? ENT surgeons are physicians trained in surgical authority and treatment of patients with disorders related to the ear, nose, throat (ENT), and associated structures of the head and neck. They are commonly referred to as ENT physicians or ENT specialists. Their skills cover diagnosing and handling infections of the sinuses, voice box, oral cavity, mouth, and throat, as well [...]