Best hearing loss clinic in Pune

Hearing test docor in Pune

Speech and Hearing Loss: Signs That Your Child Requires a Hearing Test

Infants can’t express themselves verbally; therefore, you need to detect the signs that hearing loss indicates any underlying condition. Hearing plays an important role in the child’s speaking or cognitive skills. As a parent, you should never miss these indications. What is hearing loss? Several children have congenital hearing loss, i.e., hearing loss present by birth. This condition can be hereditary or develop due to other factors during birth. Hospitals usually prefer to conduct a hearing test before discharging the newborn [...]

hearing aid center in pune

Is Wearing a Hearing Aid Classified as a Disability?

Experts categorize hearing-impaired people depending on the severity of hearing loss. Different organizations have made different classifications of hearing-impaired people. There are certain situations under which experts classify hearing disability in different ways. WHO or World Health Organisation considers a person disable depending on the physical appearance of their body. A person is considered impaired if their physical activity is limited. Restrictions in participation or if individuals cannot take part in normal social events, the WHO considers them physically disabled or [...]

Best ear infection treatment in Pune

Summertime Ear Pain: Swimmer’s Ear or Ear Infection?

Suffering from ear pain is not uncommon among swimmers during the summer. Swimmers suffer from the infection at the ear’s external part, known as Swimmer’s ear. This infection is also known as otitis externa. The prime reason for this infection is water, and swimmers often face this problem after swimming. However, people can also suffer from varied causes like using hearing aids, skin problems, or using cotton. Bacteria, known as pseudomonas aeruginosa, are the leading cause of this infection, [...]

Best hearing test clinic in Pune

Speech and Hearing: Signs That Your Child Needs a Hearing Test

People are hardly aware that parents need to monitor the hearing ability of every kid since their birth. Of course, every parent must look at whether their kids have any disability in speaking and hearing. But, many parents are hardly aware of how to check their kids’ hearing and speaking.  Reaction to the Background Noise:- In general, kids do not experience any hearing loss since their birth. However, there may be certain cases when kids face hearing difficulties. Sometimes, kids are [...]